Below is a list of all files of the project. Before downloading, you may want to read Release Notes and ChangeLog (accessible by clicking on release version).
Package | Release & Notes | Filename | Date |
Size | D/L | Arch | Type |
Linux Mint Theme
| |
Beta 0.2 |
2008-09-11 15:27 |
LinuxMint0.2.deb | 602 KB | 1,309 | ARM | .deb |
Beta 0.1 |
2008-09-09 20:11 |
LinuxMint0.1.deb | 422 KB | 315 | ARM | .deb |
Backgrounds |
2008-09-08 20:22 |
LinuxMintBG2.png | 235 KB | 2,264 | ARM | Other |
LinuxMintBG3.png | 236 KB | 1,430 | ARM | Other |
LinuxMintBG.png | 339 KB | 1,559 | ARM | Other |
LinuxMintBlue.png | 101 KB | 3,570 | ARM | Other |
LinuxMintStone.png | 585 KB | 1,488 | ARM | Other |
LXDE on Mer Files
| | No releases | |
Matrix Theme
| |
Beta 0.2 |
2008-09-11 15:28 |
Matrix0.2.deb | 692 KB | 1,036 | ARM | .deb |
Matrix Beta 0.1 |
2008-09-08 20:11 |
Matrix0.1.deb | 668 KB | 337 | ARM | .deb |
Backgrounds |
2008-09-03 15:40 |
MatrixBlueBG.png | 582 KB | 33,188 | ARM | Other |
MatrixGreenBG2.png | 634 KB | 3,667 | ARM | Other |
MatrixGreenBG3.png | 553 KB | 1,683 | ARM | Other |
MatrixGreenBG4.png | 822 KB | 6,777 | ARM | Other |
MatrixGreenBG.png | 943 KB | 12,736 | ARM | Other |
MerEcho Theme
| |
Screenshots 0.35 |
2009-01-15 14:39 |
screenshot02.png | 48 KB | 2,476 | Any | .jpg |
screenshot03.png | 42 KB | 951 | Any | .jpg |
screenshot04.png | 93 KB | 2,070 | Any | .jpg |
Beta 0.35 |
2009-01-15 14:34 |
MerEcho.deb | 390 KB | 456 | ARM | .deb |
Beta 0.22 |
2009-01-08 16:01 |
MerEcho.deb | 397 KB | 248 | ARM | .deb |
Beta 0.15 |
2009-01-07 14:25 |
MerEcho.deb | 400 KB | 217 | ARM | .deb |
Old ScreenShots |
2008-12-15 16:52 |
screenshot00.png | 47 KB | 1,678 | Any | .jpg |
screenshot01.png | 41 KB | 1,358 | Any | .jpg |
screenshot02.png | 37 KB | 1,291 | Any | .jpg |
screenshot04.png | 65 KB | 1,341 | Any | .jpg |
Beta 0.11 |
2008-12-15 14:47 |
MerEcho.deb | 400 KB | 432 | ARM | .deb |
Photography Theme
| |
backgrounds |
2008-10-13 05:07 |
fisheye.jpg | 19 KB | 1,149 | Any | .jpg |
lens.jpg | 39 KB | 1,019 | Any | .jpg |
Superman Theme
| |
Beta 0.1 |
2008-09-11 15:25 |
Superman0.1.deb | 520 KB | 516 | ARM | .deb |
Backgrounds |
2008-09-09 15:03 |
SuperManBG10.png | 578 KB | 1,121 | ARM | Other |
SuperManBG2.png | 480 KB | 1,160 | ARM | Other |
SuperManBG3.png | 401 KB | 936 | ARM | Other |
SuperManBG4.png | 268 KB | 3,464 | ARM | Other |
SuperManBG5.png | 580 KB | 838 | ARM | Other |
SuperManBG6.png | 243 KB | 1,228 | ARM | Other |
SuperManBG7.png | 148 KB | 1,075 | ARM | Other |
SuperManBG8.png | 668 KB | 793 | ARM | Other |
SuperManBG9.png | 451 KB | 774 | ARM | Other |
SuperManBG.png | 305 KB | 1,018 | ARM | Other |
Theme Source Files
| | No releases | |
Windows XP Theme
| |
Screenshots |
2009-01-14 13:59 |
screenshot01.png | 92 KB | 2,526 | Any | .jpg |
screenshot02.png | 97 KB | 3,213 | Any | .jpg |
Stable 1.25 |
2009-01-14 13:53 |
WindowsXP1.25.deb | 722 KB | 776 | ARM | .deb |
Stable 1.1 |
2008-09-11 15:27 |
Windows1.1.deb | 724 KB | 450 | ARM | .deb |
Stable 1.0 |
2008-09-08 20:13 |
Windows1.0.deb | 724 KB | 229 | ARM | .deb |
Beta 0.5 |
2008-09-03 15:51 |
Windows0.5.deb | 993 KB | 199 | ARM | .deb |
Backgrounds |
2008-09-03 15:44 |
RollingHills.jpg | 83 KB | 3,683 | ARM | .jpg |
WindowsXP.jpg | 60 KB | 2,156 | ARM | .jpg |
X Men Theme
| |
Backgrounds |
2008-09-03 15:50 |
XmenBG.png | 657 KB | 1,681 | ARM | Other |
Project totals | 22 | 47 | 17.8 MB | 113881 | |