Major update! New features:
* now also monitors average cpu load, network connection and charging status
* user configurable colors, graph elements, database limit, ...
* kinetic scrolling
* Changed background daemon to record battery status only on change instead
of regular interval
* Changed background daemon to record network connection status, charging
status and average cpu load as well
* Changed graph to display the new data sources (network connection,
charging, cpuload)
* Added kinetic scrolling
* Added option to disable/enable showing cpu load, network connection and charging status
* Added option to choose zoomfactor
* Added preferences screen
* Added option to limit maximum age of database records
* Added option to select scrollback history size
* Added option to configure colors of the different graph elements
* Added option to configure cpu load scale
* Optimized graph drawing code for kinetic scrolling performance
* Rearranged main screen layout
* Lots of small changes