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Release Name: 1:2.6.28-10bfs9

Notes: This build of kernel-bfs contains a temporary workaround for the dreaded bq27x00_battery/bme issue. For those who have missed it: both bme and the bq27x00_battery kernel driver communicate with the bq27200 battery chip over I2C. The latter tries to open it exclusively though, which breaks (the closed source) bme and causes a spontaneous reboot. There used to be a fix for this, which basically disabled the safety mechanism that denies access to the chip when it's being used exclusively. However, this was considered to be extremely dangerous and therefore got disabled in kernel-power V47 and newer. It could lead to permanent hardware damage and/or a dead device. This kernel-bfs build reintroduces the original workaround but makes it optional. This way you can choose to accept the risks mentioned in bold, which are associated with removing the safety mechanism, and use both bq27x00_battery and bme like in kernel-power v45-v47. To enable this old behaviour, execute "echo 1 > /sys/kernel/n900/i2c-dev_break_ioctl".


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