[Chess-developer] logic analyzer update

kore kore at meeq.de
Wed Nov 25 02:59:03 EET 2009

just a little update from the logic analyzer department :)

At the moment all pieces except the king can move correctly on the
board. this means only legal moves are allowed, pieces of the opposite
colour can be captured etc. You can see it in action if you compile my
branch of the git repository.

Also while discussing the matter with Michael I had a sudden
inspiration on a check check (a method that tests if any of the kings
is in check). So I hacked the method quickly which I think should
be fast enough to run it twice in each move verification (one for
checking if the moving player is in check => false move, and one for
checking if a UI notifications is necesary, stating that the actual position
resulted in check). But I didn't test it in action because I don't
have the king implemented yet.

So this leads me to my next planned steps:
1. Implement the king movement constraints
2. add the possibility to castle
3. add en-passent captures
4. add a control that checks who's turn it is (maybe done by Michael,
as this is more a UI thing than game logic)
=> at this point we should have a working chess board on which the first tests can be done
(5.) I need to rewrite some of the piece classes and create the
constraint classes to clean up the code. As for now all constraints
live in MLogicAnalyzer but this is ugly.
6. Testing
7. Testing
8. Testing

That's it for now, cheers


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