[Chess-developer] Encore!

Michael Hasselmann michaelh at openismus.com
Mon Jul 18 02:51:14 EEST 2011


I blame it on the weather and an otherwise uneventful weekend … right
now, it's a silly wrapper around gnuchess (so it's already more useful
than the original Miniature =p).

The idea is to carry over the model and logic parts of Miniature that
were useful (the position handling comes to mind) and then export
everything that's needed for the UI later.

I don't think I will waste time on the UI myself though - I want a
working (and auto-tested) backend this time.

And I rethought the architecture a bit: It was lame that Miniature
required different logic for different game modes - this should be
hidden away from Miniature as much as possible. Well, check
Game::AbstractSide and friends: Each implementation can behave very
differently. Currently, there is one impl for the local player and one
for gnuchess (and following the same idea, one could now start a backend
for FICS already). Determining the game mode is just a matter of
throwing the right instances into the Game::Game c'tor (yep, you can let
gnuchess play against itself, though it will produce no output, other
than perhaps increased fan noise).

The Telepathy stuff … well, I wasn't the original author so it might be
too hard for me to carry that over (which means: I won't spend time on
it now), although Miniature P2P through your contacts list would still
be a killer feature, I think.


PS: If you wonder why I gave up on autotroll: I wanted to use Qt
Creator, hence the qmake build. I apologize.

PPS: I actually don't really have time for this project …

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