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Documentation for Subversion (sometimes referred to as "SVN") is available here.

Anonymous Subversion Access

This project's SVN repository can be checked out through anonymous access with the following command(s).

svn checkout

Developer Subversion Access via DAV

Only project developers can access the SVN tree via this method. Substitute developername with the proper values. Enter your site password when prompted.

svn checkout --username developername

  Repository History  
Name Adds Updates
Niels Breet5341099
Henri Bergius202438
Dave Neary34395
Lauri Manner162221
Reggie Suplido3713
Eero af Heurlin99181
Ferenc Szekely28161
Oskari Kokko6065
Tuomas Kuosmanen3273
Patrik Hirvinen717
Tomi Judén018
Heikki Hyppänen610
Aslan Venejoki015
Jerry Jalava09
Marcell Lengyel09
Tim Samoff63
Alexey Zakhlestin02
daniel wilms01

Browse the Subversion Tree

Browsing the SVN tree gives you a great view into the current status of this project's code. You may also view the complete histories of any file in the repository.

[Browse Subversion Repository]

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