Now limiting view to projects in the following categories:
Environment :: X11 Applications :: Maemo [Remove This Filter] Natural Language :: English [Remove This Filter] Development Status :: 3 - Alpha [Remove This Filter]
1 projects in result set.
1. Pyrecipe Recipe Manager - pyrecipe is an organizer for your cooking recipes. It can create, edit and show recipes in your Internet Tablet.
It can import various recipe formats as the gourmet ones, mealmaster and others in the future. It also can export your recipes. | - Development Status: 3 - Alpha (Now Filtering)
- Environment: Maemo (Now Filtering)
- Intended Audience: End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License: GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language: English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System: OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language: Python [Filter]
- Topic: Database [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Activity Ranking: 0.00 Register Date: 2008-05-14 15:32 |