#!/usr/bin/python2.5 import osso import hildon import gtk # Enable '?' button in the titlebar def button_handler(widget, osso_hlp): dialog = gtk.AboutDialog() dialog.set_name("Help example") osso_hlp.dialog_help_enable(dialog, "Example_MaemoPad_Content") dialog.run() # Show the selected help topic def show_help(widget, osso_hlp): osso_hlp.show("Example_MaemoPad_Content", 1) # The "?" only shows up when the referenced help topic is installed. # Here we use the MaemoPad help file. def main(): program = hildon.Program() window = hildon.Window() window.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit) window.set_title ("Help example") osso_c = osso.Context("test_help", "0.0.1", False) osso_hlp = osso.Help(osso_c) vbox = gtk.VBox(True) button = gtk.Button("Click to open a dialog with help button") button.connect("clicked", button_handler, osso_hlp) vbox.pack_start(button) button = gtk.Button("Click to open help") button.connect("clicked", show_help, osso_hlp) vbox.pack_start(button) window.add(vbox) window.show_all() gtk.main() if __name__ == "__main__": main()