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[#10] Implement GPX Driving Directions Internally

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2006-06-16 02:40
Submitted By:
John Costigan (gnuite)
Assigned To:
John Costigan (gnuite)
Implement GPX Driving Directions Internally

Detailed description
Currently, Maemo Mapper delegates to a third-party web service to retrieve its driving direction data.  The functionality
is relatively simple and could be placed directly in the Maemo Mapper program to avoid the middle man.


Date: 2008-01-30 20:43
Sender: John Costigan

Maemo Mapper as a project is not dead, but I'm not planning on
implementing any on-device route calculation.  Maemo Mapper does
not have access to street data, and as such it must offload route
calculation to a third party that has access to that data.

There have been murmurs of writing a web service that could run
on the device itself and access street data (and thus act as
the third party providing routing), but I'm not going to implement
that myself.
Date: 2008-01-30 12:57
Sender: David Tenser

This bug looks like what is missing to make this application
really useful, even for people traveling without an internet
connection. It seems this bug is assigned, but is it being worked

Is there a roadmap for this project? Where can you read about
the progress made in each release? (There's no changelog or anything
available in the downloads!) Is this project dead? :( The copyright
says 2004-2006...
Date: 2008-01-13 16:12
Sender: Marco Romano

I think that this function makes the MaemoMapper a real competitor
of the most pupular navigation softwares!
What can we expect from it in the future times?
Date: 2007-02-02 18:10
Sender: Paul Klapperich

Thought on original request:
If there was some way to manually define track points to create
a crude route, that might be worth having.

Something like a "draw mode" where either actual drawing
of a route could occur, or maybe a more simple
"connect-the-dots" as the map is tapped. A pause button
could display in a screen corner to allow the map to be repositioned,
or maybe the user could hold a hardware key to all the map to

It would be useful for me planning mtn bike routes from sat images,
but probably not to most using this in their autos.
Date: 2006-07-21 11:51
Sender: Qi Ouyang

The route information downloaded from the web service is differ
from the actual data get from the GPS receiver (Nokia LD-3W).

I suppose the web service (
provide the data from Googlemap since the route is matching the
map perfectly.

I have also tried the same GPS receiver with other commerical
software (e.g. route66, wayfinder and so on). They are all working

I should report these things in open discussion or as a bug.
Therefore, I will stop this discussion here.
Date: 2006-06-16 17:01
Sender: John Costigan


Are you saying that Maemo Mapper plots your position (as determined
by your GPS Receiver) 10-20 meters away from your actual position?
This could be a problem with Google Maps's map data, or it could
be a problem with your GPS Receiver (or its satellite reception).
It's not likely to be a problem with Maemo Mapper.

What does this have to do with the GPX Driving Directions Web
Service or implementing its functionality in Maemo Mapper?
Date: 2006-06-16 12:06
Sender: Qi Ouyang

Tested with the google map service in finland. There is always
some distance (10-20 meters) from the actural position from GPS
data than the  position on the map.

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