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1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 import math
4 import logging
6 from PyQt4 import QtGui
7 from PyQt4 import QtCore
9 try:
10         from util import misc as misc_utils
11 except ImportError:
12         class misc_utils(object):
14                 @staticmethod
15                 def log_exception(logger):
17                         def wrapper(func):
18                                 return func
19                         return wrapper
22 _moduleLogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
25 _TWOPI = 2 * math.pi
28 def _radius_at(center, pos):
29         delta = pos - center
30         xDelta = delta.x()
31         yDelta = delta.y()
33         radius = math.sqrt(xDelta ** 2 + yDelta ** 2)
34         return radius
37 def _angle_at(center, pos):
38         delta = pos - center
39         xDelta = delta.x()
40         yDelta = delta.y()
42         radius = math.sqrt(xDelta ** 2 + yDelta ** 2)
43         angle = math.acos(xDelta / radius)
44         if 0 <= yDelta:
45                 angle = _TWOPI - angle
47         return angle
50 class QActionPieItem(object):
52         def __init__(self, action, weight = 1):
53                 self._action = action
54                 self._weight = weight
56         def action(self):
57                 return self._action
59         def setWeight(self, weight):
60                 self._weight = weight
62         def weight(self):
63                 return self._weight
65         def setEnabled(self, enabled = True):
66                 self._action.setEnabled(enabled)
68         def isEnabled(self):
69                 return self._action.isEnabled()
72 class PieFiling(object):
74         INNER_RADIUS_DEFAULT = 64
75         OUTER_RADIUS_DEFAULT = 192
77         SELECTION_CENTER = -1
78         SELECTION_NONE = -2
80         NULL_CENTER = QActionPieItem(QtGui.QAction(None))
82         def __init__(self):
83                 self._innerRadius = self.INNER_RADIUS_DEFAULT
84                 self._outerRadius = self.OUTER_RADIUS_DEFAULT
85                 self._children = []
86                 self._center = self.NULL_CENTER
88                 self._cacheIndexToAngle = {}
89                 self._cacheTotalWeight = 0
91         def insertItem(self, item, index = -1):
92                 self._children.insert(index, item)
93                 self._invalidate_cache()
95         def removeItemAt(self, index):
96                 item = self._children.pop(index)
97                 self._invalidate_cache()
99         def set_center(self, item):
100                 if item is None:
101                         item = self.NULL_CENTER
102                 self._center = item
104         def center(self):
105                 return self._center
107         def clear(self):
108                 del self._children[:]
109                 self._center = self.NULL_CENTER
110                 self._invalidate_cache()
112         def itemAt(self, index):
113                 return self._children[index]
115         def indexAt(self, center, point):
116                 return self._angle_to_index(_angle_at(center, point))
118         def innerRadius(self):
119                 return self._innerRadius
121         def setInnerRadius(self, radius):
122                 self._innerRadius = radius
124         def outerRadius(self):
125                 return self._outerRadius
127         def setOuterRadius(self, radius):
128                 self._outerRadius = radius
130         def __iter__(self):
131                 return iter(self._children)
133         def __len__(self):
134                 return len(self._children)
136         def __getitem__(self, index):
137                 return self._children[index]
139         def _invalidate_cache(self):
140                 self._cacheIndexToAngle.clear()
141                 self._cacheTotalWeight = sum(child.weight() for child in self._children)
142                 if self._cacheTotalWeight == 0:
143                         self._cacheTotalWeight = 1
145         def _index_to_angle(self, index, isShifted):
146                 key = index, isShifted
147                 if key in self._cacheIndexToAngle:
148                         return self._cacheIndexToAngle[key]
149                 index = index % len(self._children)
151                 baseAngle = _TWOPI / self._cacheTotalWeight
153                 angle = math.pi / 2
154                 if isShifted:
155                         if self._children:
156                                 angle -= (self._children[0].weight() * baseAngle) / 2
157                         else:
158                                 angle -= baseAngle / 2
159                 while angle < 0:
160                         angle += _TWOPI
162                 for i, child in enumerate(self._children):
163                         if index < i:
164                                 break
165                         angle += child.weight() * baseAngle
166                 while _TWOPI < angle:
167                         angle -= _TWOPI
169                 self._cacheIndexToAngle[key] = angle
170                 return angle
172         def _angle_to_index(self, angle):
173                 numChildren = len(self._children)
174                 if numChildren == 0:
175                         return self.SELECTION_CENTER
177                 baseAngle = _TWOPI / self._cacheTotalWeight
179                 iterAngle = math.pi / 2 - (self.itemAt(0).weight() * baseAngle) / 2
180                 while iterAngle < 0:
181                         iterAngle += _TWOPI
183                 oldIterAngle = iterAngle
184                 for index, child in enumerate(self._children):
185                         iterAngle += child.weight() * baseAngle
186                         if oldIterAngle < angle and angle <= iterAngle:
187                                 return index - 1 if index != 0 else numChildren - 1
188                         elif oldIterAngle < (angle + _TWOPI) and (angle + _TWOPI <= iterAngle):
189                                 return index - 1 if index != 0 else numChildren - 1
190                         oldIterAngle = iterAngle
193 class PieArtist(object):
195         ICON_SIZE_DEFAULT = 48
197         SHAPE_CIRCLE = "circle"
198         SHAPE_SQUARE = "square"
201         def __init__(self, filing):
202                 self._filing = filing
204                 self._cachedOuterRadius = self._filing.outerRadius()
205                 self._cachedInnerRadius = self._filing.innerRadius()
206                 canvasSize = self._cachedOuterRadius * 2 + 1
207                 self._canvas = QtGui.QPixmap(canvasSize, canvasSize)
208                 self._mask = None
209                 self.palette = None
211         def pieSize(self):
212                 diameter = self._filing.outerRadius() * 2 + 1
213                 return QtCore.QSize(diameter, diameter)
215         def centerSize(self):
216                 painter = QtGui.QPainter(self._canvas)
217                 text = self._filing.center().action().text()
218                 fontMetrics = painter.fontMetrics()
219                 if text:
220                         textBoundingRect = fontMetrics.boundingRect(text)
221                 else:
222                         textBoundingRect = QtCore.QRect()
223                 textWidth = textBoundingRect.width()
224                 textHeight = textBoundingRect.height()
226                 return QtCore.QSize(
227                         textWidth + self.ICON_SIZE_DEFAULT,
228                         max(textHeight, self.ICON_SIZE_DEFAULT),
229                 )
231         def show(self, palette):
232                 self.palette = palette
234                 if (
235                         self._cachedOuterRadius != self._filing.outerRadius() or
236                         self._cachedInnerRadius != self._filing.innerRadius()
237                 ):
238                         self._cachedOuterRadius = self._filing.outerRadius()
239                         self._cachedInnerRadius = self._filing.innerRadius()
240                         self._canvas = self._canvas.scaled(self.pieSize())
242                 if self._mask is None:
243                         self._mask = QtGui.QBitmap(self._canvas.size())
244                         self._mask.fill(QtCore.Qt.color0)
245                         self._generate_mask(self._mask)
246                         self._canvas.setMask(self._mask)
247                 return self._mask
249         def hide(self):
250                 self.palette = None
252         def paint(self, selectionIndex):
253                 painter = QtGui.QPainter(self._canvas)
254                 painter.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing, True)
256                 adjustmentRect = self._canvas.rect().adjusted(0, 0, -1, -1)
258                 numChildren = len(self._filing)
259                 if numChildren == 0:
260                         if selectionIndex == PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER and self._filing.center().isEnabled():
261                                 painter.setBrush(self.palette.highlight())
262                         else:
263                                 painter.setBrush(self.palette.window())
264                         painter.setPen(self.palette.mid().color())
266                         painter.drawRect(self._canvas.rect())
267                         self._paint_center_foreground(painter, selectionIndex)
268                         return self._canvas
269                 elif numChildren == 1:
270                         if selectionIndex == 0 and self._filing[0].isEnabled():
271                                 painter.setBrush(self.palette.highlight())
272                         else:
273                                 painter.setBrush(self.palette.window())
275                         painter.fillRect(self._canvas.rect(), painter.brush())
276                 else:
277                         for i in xrange(len(self._filing)):
278                                 self._paint_slice_background(painter, adjustmentRect, i, selectionIndex)
280                 self._paint_center_background(painter, adjustmentRect, selectionIndex)
281                 self._paint_center_foreground(painter, selectionIndex)
283                 for i in xrange(len(self._filing)):
284                         self._paint_slice_foreground(painter, i, selectionIndex)
286                 return self._canvas
288         def _generate_mask(self, mask):
289                 """
290                 Specifies on the mask the shape of the pie menu
291                 """
292                 painter = QtGui.QPainter(mask)
293                 painter.setPen(QtCore.Qt.color1)
294                 painter.setBrush(QtCore.Qt.color1)
295                 if self.DEFAULT_SHAPE == self.SHAPE_SQUARE:
296                         painter.drawRect(mask.rect())
297                 elif self.DEFAULT_SHAPE == self.SHAPE_CIRCLE:
298                         painter.drawEllipse(mask.rect().adjusted(0, 0, -1, -1))
299                 else:
300                         raise NotImplementedError(self.DEFAULT_SHAPE)
302         def _paint_slice_background(self, painter, adjustmentRect, i, selectionIndex):
303                 if self.DEFAULT_SHAPE == self.SHAPE_SQUARE:
304                         currentWidth = adjustmentRect.width()
305                         newWidth = math.sqrt(2) * currentWidth
306                         dx = (newWidth - currentWidth) / 2
307                         adjustmentRect = adjustmentRect.adjusted(-dx, -dx, dx, dx)
308                 elif self.DEFAULT_SHAPE == self.SHAPE_CIRCLE:
309                         pass
310                 else:
311                         raise NotImplementedError(self.DEFAULT_SHAPE)
313                 if i == selectionIndex and self._filing[i].isEnabled():
314                         painter.setBrush(self.palette.highlight())
315                 else:
316                         painter.setBrush(self.palette.window())
317                 painter.setPen(self.palette.mid().color())
319                 a = self._filing._index_to_angle(i, True)
320                 b = self._filing._index_to_angle(i + 1, True)
321                 if b < a:
322                         b += _TWOPI
323                 size = b - a
324                 if size < 0:
325                         size += _TWOPI
327                 startAngleInDeg = (a * 360 * 16) / _TWOPI
328                 sizeInDeg = (size * 360 * 16) / _TWOPI
329                 painter.drawPie(adjustmentRect, int(startAngleInDeg), int(sizeInDeg))
331         def _paint_slice_foreground(self, painter, i, selectionIndex):
332                 child = self._filing[i]
334                 a = self._filing._index_to_angle(i, True)
335                 b = self._filing._index_to_angle(i + 1, True)
336                 if b < a:
337                         b += _TWOPI
338                 middleAngle = (a + b) / 2
339                 averageRadius = (self._cachedInnerRadius + self._cachedOuterRadius) / 2
341                 sliceX = averageRadius * math.cos(middleAngle)
342                 sliceY = - averageRadius * math.sin(middleAngle)
344                 piePos = self._canvas.rect().center()
345                 pieX = piePos.x()
346                 pieY = piePos.y()
347                 self._paint_label(
348                         painter, child.action(), i == selectionIndex, pieX+sliceX, pieY+sliceY
349                 )
351         def _paint_label(self, painter, action, isSelected, x, y):
352                 text = action.text()
353                 fontMetrics = painter.fontMetrics()
354                 if text:
355                         textBoundingRect = fontMetrics.boundingRect(text)
356                 else:
357                         textBoundingRect = QtCore.QRect()
358                 textWidth = textBoundingRect.width()
359                 textHeight = textBoundingRect.height()
361                 icon = action.icon().pixmap(
362                         QtCore.QSize(self.ICON_SIZE_DEFAULT, self.ICON_SIZE_DEFAULT),
363                         QtGui.QIcon.Normal,
364                         QtGui.QIcon.On,
365                 )
366                 iconWidth = icon.width()
367                 iconHeight = icon.width()
368                 averageWidth = (iconWidth + textWidth)/2
369                 if not icon.isNull():
370                         iconRect = QtCore.QRect(
371                                 x - averageWidth,
372                                 y - iconHeight/2,
373                                 iconWidth,
374                                 iconHeight,
375                         )
377                         painter.drawPixmap(iconRect, icon)
379                 if text:
380                         if isSelected:
381                                 if action.isEnabled():
382                                         pen = self.palette.highlightedText()
383                                         brush = self.palette.highlight()
384                                 else:
385                                         pen = self.palette.mid()
386                                         brush = self.palette.window()
387                         else:
388                                 if action.isEnabled():
389                                         pen = self.palette.windowText()
390                                 else:
391                                         pen = self.palette.mid()
392                                 brush = self.palette.window()
394                         leftX = x - averageWidth + iconWidth
395                         topY = y + textHeight/2
396                         painter.setPen(pen.color())
397                         painter.setBrush(brush)
398                         painter.drawText(leftX, topY, text)
400         def _paint_center_background(self, painter, adjustmentRect, selectionIndex):
401                 dark = self.palette.mid().color()
402                 light = self.palette.light().color()
403                 if selectionIndex == PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER and self._filing.center().isEnabled():
404                         background = self.palette.highlight().color()
405                 else:
406                         background = self.palette.window().color()
408                 innerRadius = self._cachedInnerRadius
409                 adjustmentCenterPos = adjustmentRect.center()
410                 innerRect = QtCore.QRect(
411                         adjustmentCenterPos.x() - innerRadius,
412                         adjustmentCenterPos.y() - innerRadius,
413                         innerRadius * 2 + 1,
414                         innerRadius * 2 + 1,
415                 )
417                 painter.setPen(QtCore.Qt.NoPen)
418                 painter.setBrush(background)
419                 painter.drawPie(innerRect, 0, 360 * 16)
421                 painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(dark, 1))
422                 painter.setBrush(QtCore.Qt.NoBrush)
423                 painter.drawEllipse(innerRect)
425                 if self.DEFAULT_SHAPE == self.SHAPE_SQUARE:
426                         pass
427                 elif self.DEFAULT_SHAPE == self.SHAPE_CIRCLE:
428                         painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(dark, 1))
429                         painter.setBrush(QtCore.Qt.NoBrush)
430                         painter.drawEllipse(adjustmentRect)
431                 else:
432                         raise NotImplementedError(self.DEFAULT_SHAPE)
434         def _paint_center_foreground(self, painter, selectionIndex):
435                 centerPos = self._canvas.rect().center()
436                 pieX = centerPos.x()
437                 pieY = centerPos.y()
439                 x = pieX
440                 y = pieY
442                 self._paint_label(
443                         painter,
444                         self._filing.center().action(),
445                         selectionIndex == PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER,
446                         x, y
447                 )
450 class QPieDisplay(QtGui.QWidget):
452         def __init__(self, filing, parent = None, flags = QtCore.Qt.Window):
453                 QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent, flags)
454                 self._filing = filing
455                 self._artist = PieArtist(self._filing)
456                 self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE
458         def popup(self, pos):
459                 self._update_selection(pos)
460                 self.show()
462         def sizeHint(self):
463                 return self._artist.pieSize()
465         @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
466         def showEvent(self, showEvent):
467                 mask = self._artist.show(self.palette())
468                 self.setMask(mask)
470                 QtGui.QWidget.showEvent(self, showEvent)
472         @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
473         def hideEvent(self, hideEvent):
474                 self._artist.hide()
475                 self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE
476                 QtGui.QWidget.hideEvent(self, hideEvent)
478         @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
479         def paintEvent(self, paintEvent):
480                 canvas = self._artist.paint(self._selectionIndex)
482                 screen = QtGui.QPainter(self)
483                 screen.drawPixmap(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0), canvas)
485                 QtGui.QWidget.paintEvent(self, paintEvent)
487         def selectAt(self, index):
488                 oldIndex = self._selectionIndex
489                 self._selectionIndex = index
490                 if self.isVisible():
491                         self.update()
494 class QPieButton(QtGui.QWidget):
496         activated = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
497         highlighted = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
498         canceled = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
499         aboutToShow = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
500         aboutToHide = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
502         BUTTON_RADIUS = 24
503         DELAY = 250
505         def __init__(self, buttonSlice, parent = None):
506                 # @bug Artifacts on Maemo 5 due to window 3D effects, find way to disable them for just these?
507                 # @bug The pie's are being pushed back on screen on Maemo, leading to coordinate issues
508                 QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
509                 self._cachedCenterPosition = self.rect().center()
511                 self._filing = PieFiling()
512                 self._display = QPieDisplay(self._filing, None, QtCore.Qt.SplashScreen)
513                 self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE
515                 self._buttonFiling = PieFiling()
516                 self._buttonFiling.set_center(buttonSlice)
517                 self._buttonFiling.setOuterRadius(self.BUTTON_RADIUS)
518                 self._buttonArtist = PieArtist(self._buttonFiling)
519                 self._poppedUp = False
521                 self._delayPopupTimer = QtCore.QTimer()
522                 self._delayPopupTimer.setInterval(self.DELAY)
523                 self._delayPopupTimer.setSingleShot(True)
524                 self._delayPopupTimer.timeout.connect(self._on_delayed_popup)
525                 self._popupLocation = None
527                 self._mousePosition = None
528                 self.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.StrongFocus)
530         def insertItem(self, item, index = -1):
531                 self._filing.insertItem(item, index)
533         def removeItemAt(self, index):
534                 self._filing.removeItemAt(index)
536         def set_center(self, item):
537                 self._filing.set_center(item)
539         def set_button(self, item):
540                 self.update()
542         def clear(self):
543                 self._filing.clear()
545         def itemAt(self, index):
546                 return self._filing.itemAt(index)
548         def indexAt(self, point):
549                 return self._filing.indexAt(self._cachedCenterPosition, point)
551         def innerRadius(self):
552                 return self._filing.innerRadius()
554         def setInnerRadius(self, radius):
555                 self._filing.setInnerRadius(radius)
557         def outerRadius(self):
558                 return self._filing.outerRadius()
560         def setOuterRadius(self, radius):
561                 self._filing.setOuterRadius(radius)
563         def buttonRadius(self):
564                 return self._buttonFiling.outerRadius()
566         def setButtonRadius(self, radius):
567                 self._buttonFiling.setOuterRadius(radius)
568                 self._buttonArtist.show(self.palette())
570         def minimumSizeHint(self):
571                 return self._buttonArtist.centerSize()
573         @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
574         def mousePressEvent(self, mouseEvent):
575                 lastSelection = self._selectionIndex
577                 lastMousePos = mouseEvent.pos()
578                 self._mousePosition = lastMousePos
579                 self._update_selection(self._cachedCenterPosition)
581                 self.highlighted.emit(self._selectionIndex)
583                 self._display.selectAt(self._selectionIndex)
584                 self._popupLocation = mouseEvent.globalPos()
585                 self._delayPopupTimer.start()
587         @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
588         def _on_delayed_popup(self):
589                 assert self._popupLocation is not None
590                 self._popup_child(self._popupLocation)
592         @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
593         def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouseEvent):
594                 lastSelection = self._selectionIndex
596                 lastMousePos = mouseEvent.pos()
597                 if self._mousePosition is None:
598                         # Absolute
599                         self._update_selection(lastMousePos)
600                 else:
601                         # Relative
602                         self._update_selection(
603                                 self._cachedCenterPosition + (lastMousePos - self._mousePosition),
604                                 ignoreOuter = True,
605                         )
607                 if lastSelection != self._selectionIndex:
608                         self.highlighted.emit(self._selectionIndex)
609                         self._display.selectAt(self._selectionIndex)
611                 if self._selectionIndex != PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER and self._delayPopupTimer.isActive():
612                         self._on_delayed_popup()
614         @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
615         def mouseReleaseEvent(self, mouseEvent):
616                 self._delayPopupTimer.stop()
617                 self._popupLocation = None
619                 lastSelection = self._selectionIndex
621                 lastMousePos = mouseEvent.pos()
622                 if self._mousePosition is None:
623                         # Absolute
624                         self._update_selection(lastMousePos)
625                 else:
626                         # Relative
627                         self._update_selection(
628                                 self._cachedCenterPosition + (lastMousePos - self._mousePosition),
629                                 ignoreOuter = True,
630                         )
631                 self._mousePosition = None
633                 self._activate_at(self._selectionIndex)
634                 self._hide_child()
636         @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
637         def keyPressEvent(self, keyEvent):
638                 if keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Right, QtCore.Qt.Key_Down, QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab]:
639                         self._popup_child(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
640                         if self._selectionIndex != len(self._filing) - 1:
641                                 nextSelection = self._selectionIndex + 1
642                         else:
643                                 nextSelection = 0
644                         self._select_at(nextSelection)
645                         self._display.selectAt(self._selectionIndex)
646                 elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Left, QtCore.Qt.Key_Up, QtCore.Qt.Key_Backtab]:
647                         self._popup_child(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
648                         if 0 < self._selectionIndex:
649                                 nextSelection = self._selectionIndex - 1
650                         else:
651                                 nextSelection = len(self._filing) - 1
652                         self._select_at(nextSelection)
653                         self._display.selectAt(self._selectionIndex)
654                 elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Space]:
655                         self._popup_child(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
656                         self._select_at(PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER)
657                         self._display.selectAt(self._selectionIndex)
658                 elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Return, QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter, QtCore.Qt.Key_Space]:
659                         self._delayPopupTimer.stop()
660                         self._popupLocation = None
661                         self._activate_at(self._selectionIndex)
662                         self._hide_child()
663                 elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape, QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace]:
664                         self._delayPopupTimer.stop()
665                         self._popupLocation = None
666                         self._activate_at(PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE)
667                         self._hide_child()
668                 else:
669                         QtGui.QWidget.keyPressEvent(self, keyEvent)
671         @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
672         def resizeEvent(self, resizeEvent):
673                 self.setButtonRadius(min(resizeEvent.size().width(), resizeEvent.size().height()) / 2 - 1)
674                 QtGui.QWidget.resizeEvent(self, resizeEvent)
676         @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
677         def showEvent(self, showEvent):
678                 self._buttonArtist.show(self.palette())
679                 self._cachedCenterPosition = self.rect().center()
681                 QtGui.QWidget.showEvent(self, showEvent)
683         @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
684         def hideEvent(self, hideEvent):
685                 self._display.hide()
686                 self._select_at(PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE)
687                 QtGui.QWidget.hideEvent(self, hideEvent)
689         @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
690         def paintEvent(self, paintEvent):
691                 self.setButtonRadius(min(self.rect().width(), self.rect().height()) / 2 - 1)
692                 if self._poppedUp:
693                         canvas = self._buttonArtist.paint(PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER)
694                 else:
695                         canvas = self._buttonArtist.paint(PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE)
697                 screen = QtGui.QPainter(self)
698                 screen.drawPixmap(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0), canvas)
700                 QtGui.QWidget.paintEvent(self, paintEvent)
702         def __iter__(self):
703                 return iter(self._filing)
705         def __len__(self):
706                 return len(self._filing)
708         def _popup_child(self, position):
709                 self._poppedUp = True
710                 self.aboutToShow.emit()
712                 self._delayPopupTimer.stop()
713                 self._popupLocation = None
715                 position = position - QtCore.QPoint(self._filing.outerRadius(), self._filing.outerRadius())
716                 self._display.move(position)
717                 self._display.show()
719                 self.update()
721         def _hide_child(self):
722                 self._poppedUp = False
723                 self.aboutToHide.emit()
724                 self._display.hide()
725                 self.update()
727         def _select_at(self, index):
728                 self._selectionIndex = index
730         def _update_selection(self, lastMousePos, ignoreOuter = False):
731                 radius = _radius_at(self._cachedCenterPosition, lastMousePos)
732                 if radius < self._filing.innerRadius():
733                         self._select_at(PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER)
734                 elif radius <= self._filing.outerRadius() or ignoreOuter:
735                         self._select_at(self.indexAt(lastMousePos))
736                 else:
737                         self._select_at(PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE)
739         def _activate_at(self, index):
740                 if index == PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE:
741                         self.canceled.emit()
742                         return
743                 elif index == PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER:
744                         child = self._filing.center()
745                 else:
746                         child = self.itemAt(index)
748                 if child.action().isEnabled():
749                         child.action().trigger()
750                         self.activated.emit(index)
751                 else:
752                         self.canceled.emit()
755 class QPieMenu(QtGui.QWidget):
757         activated = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
758         highlighted = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
759         canceled = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
760         aboutToShow = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
761         aboutToHide = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
763         def __init__(self, parent = None):
764                 QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
765                 self._cachedCenterPosition = self.rect().center()
767                 self._filing = PieFiling()
768                 self._artist = PieArtist(self._filing)
769                 self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE
771                 self._mousePosition = ()
772                 self.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.StrongFocus)
774         def popup(self, pos):
775                 self._update_selection(pos)
776                 self.show()
778         def insertItem(self, item, index = -1):
779                 self._filing.insertItem(item, index)
780                 self.update()
782         def removeItemAt(self, index):
783                 self._filing.removeItemAt(index)
784                 self.update()
786         def set_center(self, item):
787                 self._filing.set_center(item)
788                 self.update()
790         def clear(self):
791                 self._filing.clear()
792                 self.update()
794         def itemAt(self, index):
795                 return self._filing.itemAt(index)
797         def indexAt(self, point):
798                 return self._filing.indexAt(self._cachedCenterPosition, point)
800         def innerRadius(self):
801                 return self._filing.innerRadius()
803         def setInnerRadius(self, radius):
804                 self._filing.setInnerRadius(radius)
805                 self.update()
807         def outerRadius(self):
808                 return self._filing.outerRadius()
810         def setOuterRadius(self, radius):
811                 self._filing.setOuterRadius(radius)
812                 self.update()
814         def sizeHint(self):
815                 return self._artist.pieSize()
817         @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
818         def mousePressEvent(self, mouseEvent):
819                 lastSelection = self._selectionIndex
821                 lastMousePos = mouseEvent.pos()
822                 self._update_selection(lastMousePos)
823                 self._mousePosition = lastMousePos
825                 if lastSelection != self._selectionIndex:
826                         self.highlighted.emit(self._selectionIndex)
827                         self.update()
829         @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
830         def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouseEvent):
831                 lastSelection = self._selectionIndex
833                 lastMousePos = mouseEvent.pos()
834                 self._update_selection(lastMousePos)
836                 if lastSelection != self._selectionIndex:
837                         self.highlighted.emit(self._selectionIndex)
838                         self.update()
840         @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
841         def mouseReleaseEvent(self, mouseEvent):
842                 lastSelection = self._selectionIndex
844                 lastMousePos = mouseEvent.pos()
845                 self._update_selection(lastMousePos)
846                 self._mousePosition = ()
848                 self._activate_at(self._selectionIndex)
849                 self.update()
851         @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
852         def keyPressEvent(self, keyEvent):
853                 if keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Right, QtCore.Qt.Key_Down, QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab]:
854                         if self._selectionIndex != len(self._filing) - 1:
855                                 nextSelection = self._selectionIndex + 1
856                         else:
857                                 nextSelection = 0
858                         self._select_at(nextSelection)
859                         self.update()
860                 elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Left, QtCore.Qt.Key_Up, QtCore.Qt.Key_Backtab]:
861                         if 0 < self._selectionIndex:
862                                 nextSelection = self._selectionIndex - 1
863                         else:
864                                 nextSelection = len(self._filing) - 1
865                         self._select_at(nextSelection)
866                         self.update()
867                 elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Return, QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter, QtCore.Qt.Key_Space]:
868                         self._activate_at(self._selectionIndex)
869                 elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape, QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace]:
870                         self._activate_at(PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE)
871                 else:
872                         QtGui.QWidget.keyPressEvent(self, keyEvent)
874         @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
875         def showEvent(self, showEvent):
876                 self.aboutToShow.emit()
877                 self._cachedCenterPosition = self.rect().center()
879                 mask = self._artist.show(self.palette())
880                 self.setMask(mask)
882                 lastMousePos = self.mapFromGlobal(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
883                 self._update_selection(lastMousePos)
885                 QtGui.QWidget.showEvent(self, showEvent)
887         @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
888         def hideEvent(self, hideEvent):
889                 self._artist.hide()
890                 self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE
891                 QtGui.QWidget.hideEvent(self, hideEvent)
893         @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
894         def paintEvent(self, paintEvent):
895                 canvas = self._artist.paint(self._selectionIndex)
897                 screen = QtGui.QPainter(self)
898                 screen.drawPixmap(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0), canvas)
900                 QtGui.QWidget.paintEvent(self, paintEvent)
902         def __iter__(self):
903                 return iter(self._filing)
905         def __len__(self):
906                 return len(self._filing)
908         def _select_at(self, index):
909                 self._selectionIndex = index
911         def _update_selection(self, lastMousePos):
912                 radius = _radius_at(self._cachedCenterPosition, lastMousePos)
913                 if radius < self._filing.innerRadius():
914                         self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER
915                 elif radius <= self._filing.outerRadius():
916                         self._select_at(self.indexAt(lastMousePos))
917                 else:
918                         self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE
920         def _activate_at(self, index):
921                 if index == PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE:
922                         self.canceled.emit()
923                         self.aboutToHide.emit()
924                         self.hide()
925                         return
926                 elif index == PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER:
927                         child = self._filing.center()
928                 else:
929                         child = self.itemAt(index)
931                 if child.isEnabled():
932                         child.action().trigger()
933                         self.activated.emit(index)
934                 else:
935                         self.canceled.emit()
936                 self.aboutToHide.emit()
937                 self.hide()
940 def init_pies():
941         PieFiling.NULL_CENTER.setEnabled(False)
944 def _print(msg):
945         print msg
948 def _on_about_to_hide(app):
949         app.exit()
952 if __name__ == "__main__":
953         app = QtGui.QApplication([])
954         init_pies()
956         if False:
957                 pie = QPieMenu()
958                 pie.show()
960         if False:
961                 singleAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
962                 singleAction.setText("Boo")
963                 singleItem = QActionPieItem(singleAction)
964                 spie = QPieMenu()
965                 spie.insertItem(singleItem)
966                 spie.show()
968         if False:
969                 oneAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
970                 oneAction.setText("Chew")
971                 oneItem = QActionPieItem(oneAction)
972                 twoAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
973                 twoAction.setText("Foo")
974                 twoItem = QActionPieItem(twoAction)
975                 iconTextAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
976                 iconTextAction.setText("Icon")
977                 iconTextAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-close"))
978                 iconTextItem = QActionPieItem(iconTextAction)
979                 mpie = QPieMenu()
980                 mpie.insertItem(oneItem)
981                 mpie.insertItem(twoItem)
982                 mpie.insertItem(oneItem)
983                 mpie.insertItem(iconTextItem)
984                 mpie.show()
986         if True:
987                 oneAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
988                 oneAction.setText("Chew")
989                 oneAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Chew"))
990                 oneItem = QActionPieItem(oneAction)
991                 twoAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
992                 twoAction.setText("Foo")
993                 twoAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Foo"))
994                 twoItem = QActionPieItem(twoAction)
995                 iconAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
996                 iconAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-open"))
997                 iconAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Icon"))
998                 iconItem = QActionPieItem(iconAction)
999                 iconTextAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
1000                 iconTextAction.setText("Icon")
1001                 iconTextAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-close"))
1002                 iconTextAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Icon and text"))
1003                 iconTextItem = QActionPieItem(iconTextAction)
1004                 mpie = QPieMenu()
1005                 mpie.set_center(iconItem)
1006                 mpie.insertItem(oneItem)
1007                 mpie.insertItem(twoItem)
1008                 mpie.insertItem(oneItem)
1009                 mpie.insertItem(iconTextItem)
1010                 mpie.show()
1011                 mpie.aboutToHide.connect(lambda: _on_about_to_hide(app))
1012                 mpie.canceled.connect(lambda: _print("Canceled"))
1014         if False:
1015                 oneAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
1016                 oneAction.setText("Chew")
1017                 oneAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Chew"))
1018                 oneItem = QActionPieItem(oneAction)
1019                 twoAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
1020                 twoAction.setText("Foo")
1021                 twoAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Foo"))
1022                 twoItem = QActionPieItem(twoAction)
1023                 iconAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
1024                 iconAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-open"))
1025                 iconAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Icon"))
1026                 iconItem = QActionPieItem(iconAction)
1027                 iconTextAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
1028                 iconTextAction.setText("Icon")
1029                 iconTextAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-close"))
1030                 iconTextAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Icon and text"))
1031                 iconTextItem = QActionPieItem(iconTextAction)
1032                 pieFiling = PieFiling()
1033                 pieFiling.set_center(iconItem)
1034                 pieFiling.insertItem(oneItem)
1035                 pieFiling.insertItem(twoItem)
1036                 pieFiling.insertItem(oneItem)
1037                 pieFiling.insertItem(iconTextItem)
1038                 mpie = QPieDisplay(pieFiling)
1039                 mpie.show()
1041         if False:
1042                 oneAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
1043                 oneAction.setText("Chew")
1044                 oneAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Chew"))
1045                 oneItem = QActionPieItem(oneAction)
1046                 twoAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
1047                 twoAction.setText("Foo")
1048                 twoAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Foo"))
1049                 twoItem = QActionPieItem(twoAction)
1050                 iconAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
1051                 iconAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-open"))
1052                 iconAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Icon"))
1053                 iconItem = QActionPieItem(iconAction)
1054                 iconTextAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
1055                 iconTextAction.setText("Icon")
1056                 iconTextAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-close"))
1057                 iconTextAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Icon and text"))
1058                 iconTextItem = QActionPieItem(iconTextAction)
1059                 mpie = QPieButton(iconItem)
1060                 mpie.set_center(iconItem)
1061                 mpie.insertItem(oneItem)
1062                 mpie.insertItem(twoItem)
1063                 mpie.insertItem(oneItem)
1064                 mpie.insertItem(iconTextItem)
1065                 mpie.show()
1066                 mpie.aboutToHide.connect(lambda: _on_about_to_hide(app))
1067                 mpie.canceled.connect(lambda: _print("Canceled"))
1069         app.exec_()

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