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[#885] Social News section

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2007-05-23 12:24
Submitted By:
Quim Gil (qgil)
Assigned To:
Henri Bergius (bergie)
Social News section

Detailed description
Description: A News section in offering links to whatever news are relevant in the maemo project and

Timeframe: as soon as possible. Subphases can be proposed.

Responsible: Ferenc Szekely (project manager) and Quim Gil (product manager).


Main page

- The main page of the section features the latest and most voted entries of each source in an elegant and efficient

- A prominent "Top 10" block features the 10 most voted items from all the feeds, computing the votes of the
last 10 days. If there are less than 10 news voted then shows the most voted and the most recent, without repetitions
and up to 10 items.

- The Top 10 items are sorted by date, being the most recent in the first position. Items correspnding to images or
videos show the available thumbnail.

Secondary pages

- Each source has an own page linked from the navigation bar and the respective block in the main page. A block in the
top of the page shows the data related to that feed: name, description, URL... Editors can add an editable static text

- The Top 10 archive lists all the items that have hit the Top 10 list, sorted by date starting with the most recent.

Special feeds

- By default all the feeds list only the basic information (title, graphic, date, URL, tags). users need to go to click
the items in order to get the rest in the source.

- Annoucements and Tableteer have own pages for each item with full content plus an archive listing.

- Planet items have all the content of the aggregated posts, like now and like Planets work. All aggregated feeds are
available in the Planet page.

User pages

- Users can see in their profile the last 10 news they voted +1 and the last -1.

Voting items

- Each item of any feed can be voted once by registered users +1 or -1 through representational icons to be decided.
The system needs to be prepared to accept in the future potential features like voting other values or let editors modify
their vote.

Available feeds

- Last project announcements + archive. It is possible to insert images and attach files when creating or editing an
announcement. It is also possible to insert external images and embed flash using HTML i.e. Flickr and YouTube

- Last Garage news + archive.

- Last Planet entries + archive

- Last Tableteer news + archive.

- Last Internet Tablet Talk entries + archive

- Last entry and archives for the main social web services with maemo tags or search results extractable:,
Flickr, Youtube, Digg. Technorati as a reference for gathering other relevant feeds.

No duplicates

- Items pointing to same URLs are identified as duplicated, winning always the item that came first. The rest are not
shown in the main page, but they appear in their feed archives.

News block in homepage

- The current Garage news block in the homepage is replaced by the top 5 items in the Top 10 block.

Managing feeds

- Possibility for any user to subcribe to a general feed and the original feeds of every source.

- Possibility for registered users to select the feeds they want to see in the News main page.

- Possibility for editors to add new feeds, edit current feeds (title, how many items), delete feeds.

General requirements

- No need to introduce id&password to be identified in a period of 2 weeks. Users can always logout and decide not
to be remembered in the next session.

- Usable in the tablets, interface in the desktop is the same with Firefox, Explorer and Safari. 

- Feed items (not the whole content) are searchable using the search engine.

- All pages under this section are under but redirects now to


Date: 2007-12-04 20:09
Sender: Ferenc Szekely

Date: 2007-08-03 09:38
Sender: Henri Bergius

Some decisions today:

* Age penalty instead of limit for items on social news

* No personalization

* Archival:
  - Keep title, link, abstract (archived social news HTML)
  - favourites and comments: keep copy of item if there are favs
  - daily top10 as RSS feed

* "Best of Maemo"
  - List of top scoring items of all time
  - Configure RSS importer to keep items with score > N

* Planet feeds
  - List aggregated feed (n.n.rss needs a new handler)
  - OPML export

* Dupe checks
Date: 2007-07-31 12:30
Sender: Henri Bergius

Status update:

* RSS feed import uses existing MidCOM mechanisms
* Relevance calculation now works and takes many data sources
into account
* "Favouriting" UI is there now


* Actual social news display, cron scripts for archival etc
Date: 2007-07-23 12:09
Sender: Henri Bergius

I've given the "top 10" algorithm a bit of thought,
and read some stuff about the Digg algorithm. Here is a quick
first idea how it should work:

* Count number of votes inside 60 minutes of item creation
* Count total votes modified per user karma (for karma see CRM
* Count number of comments about the item (negatively modded
comments give negative score)
* Age of users (time since creation) should affect karma here
* Later possibly analyze user networks (= buddy lists) and use
a "groupthink prevention" modifier

The item score based on this should be cached to the item itself
to make queries fast.

For "top 10" display start with large score number
and query for 10 latest items. If 10 items are not returned,
lower the score and query again. Repeat until we have 10 items.

Cache the information when an item hit the "top 10"
to the items themselves.

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Field Old Value Date By
close_date2007-12-04 20:092007-12-04 20:09feri
status_idOpen2007-12-04 20:09feri
assigned_toqgil2007-07-23 12:09bergie

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