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Sprint 3 Tasks

Today we had February review & March sprint planning meeting with Jozsef and Henri from Nemein, Niels, Marcell and myself.



- Cache issues: images not served, old stuff out, not updating, wiki redirect? - Eero Progress done, still glitches.

- Midgard version change - Niels done

- maemo.org bugzilla components clean - all Unknown.

- Implement calendar component - Jozsef,Niels done

- API downloads fixed - Henri Partially done, still some issues.

- Full news content - Henri Not done.

- Favoriting UI improvement - Jerry Done in internal server, ok for Niels. Needs to be implemented in maemo.org done

- maemo extras + extras-devel: a plan. - Niels done Plan is there and more (builder, promotion interface, needs testing).

- report to community: introducing Niels, month sprint mode... - Quim done

- Upgrade GForge - Marcell Not started.

- Google Search: what to do. - Jozsef Started, not completed. We need the ISP. ISP is working on it

- Plan for login issues - Jozsef Some progress. https still an issue but requires infrastructure improvement.

39 High bugs still open at the end of the sprint.

Decision on improving reporting through wiki page with tasks and bugs where team updates.



- ServerInfraPlan - Eero - DONE

-- Cache issues: images not served, old stuff out, not updating, wiki redirect? - Eero (Depends on new server infra, moves to April)

-- Plan for login issues (depends on infrastructure improvement) - Jozsef (Depends on infra plan, moves to April)

- Documenting bugzilla components ownership and status + Reporting - Marcell.

done: website component owners

- Implement calendar component - Jozsef done

- API downloads fixed - Henri (Looked at it, some doubts now clear. Moves to April)

- Full news content - Henri (Moves to April)

- Favoriting UI improvement - Jozsef done

- maemo extras + extras-devel: a beta published. - Niels created extras statistics, maemo extras assistant (needs a bit more testing), Ed created autobuilder (almost ready for public beta testing) and Misha created a promotion interface. With a bit of luck we can start the public beta this week (Fairly closed but some corruption problems in the server, continues in April)

- GForgeUpgradePlan - Ferenc on behalf of Eero.

- Google Search fix - Marcell

I sent a mail to the ISP, asking them to contact Niels and he will describe the problems in detail. It is ongoing at the moment.

According to Ixonos the root cause of all problems is that the google box is configured in a way that it is using external IP addresses for some maemo sites and the firewall does not like that. They are investigating some possible workarounds for this. (Lot of progress but still some problems, moving to April)

- Clean old documentation bugs - Jarmo (Moved to April)

- MediaWiki?, a plan shared with maemo developers - Niels (This task will go to somebody else) (Moved to April)

45 High bugs planned for March sprint.


(last edited April 8, 2008) - Read Only [info] [diff])
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